Monday, July 13, 2009,
A story of a little boy

At some point of time on the 4th of june,
a baby was born,
with a mind full of curiosity and some form of great expectation of the world that lay before him,
months after he was born,
he learnt how to walk,
how to talk,
how his mama meant so much to him,
how he shouldn't put things inside his mouth,
and differences between good and bad.
Years past,
nursery and kindergarten times were over,
from a baby to a little boy,
he was finally ready for primary school,
which was one big stepping stone for him,
so many questions popped into his mind
'What am I gonna learn?'
'What's there to see?'
'How many friends will I have?'
and many more...
From the start of the little boy's first lesson,
he immediately took a liking to this subject called English,
since he was apparently the first one to know the word 'detectives' before anyone else while reading along with his teacher on the textbook,
took the point to read every textbook he had,
learning how to pronounce the words,
and understand what it meant,
From primary 1 to 6,
the little boy experienced many things,
and some sickness
but no love
From a little boy to a young teen,
He came across another milestone in his life,
Secondary School,
came again the questions that filled his collective mind,
'What will I learn?
What will I experience?
What new things will I see?'
But there was another question that lingered in back of his mind,
'Who will I love?'
Start of Secondary One was pretty much okay for the young teen,
he found out a lot of things other than learning he didn't quite realize when starting secondary school,
strange but pretty cool haircuts,
weird slangs,
and many more..
The young teen found it quite difficult to fit in,
and thus was labeled by some of his guy classmates as a 'nerd' and such,
the young teen pretty much didn't care about it,
he was quite fine learning and having fun with some of his other classmates
Secondary 2 came,
it was at this point of year that he would experience something,
something that will change him,
something that will forever be scarred in his mind
Everything pretty much fell apart a few months into Secondary 2,
classmates started to call him names,
prank around with him,
became the butt of jokes,
the young teen didn't quite like it one bit,
but being the small, weak teen,
he couldn't help but endure the whole charade
Secondary 3 came,
the young teen became a teenager,
the teenager expected things to be different from before,
and he was hoping for none of the past to come back
But it did.
His world came crashing to pieces again,
everything that he hated from the year before,
came back as ugly as ever,
it was till the point where he was on the verge of collapse,
the teenager couldn't deal with that much suffering in 2 years,
but he endured throughout the whole year,
he then learnt a new lesson,
Not everyone is nice, sensitive and carin.g as they seem to be
The teenager had a few good times here and there,
became a Guard Of Honour for the Speech day celebration and such,
but not enough to counter the suffering he endured throughout the year,
his trusted friends were little and few,
most were his NCC mates,
while few were his classmates,
eventhough there were a few,
he was content with the number of true friends he had
But there was one thing,
despite all that 'luck' he had for the year,
for which he was experiencing for the first time,
Called it forbidden love or anything that you like,
but it was still love to him,
even thought the circumstances were risky for him at that point,
he pretty much didn't care,
but he kept careful of course
Secondary 4 came,
it pretty much didn't change at all,
the suffering continued,
his emotional and mental endurance were almost at its limit,
some unfortunate things happened to the teenager,
that pretty much made him learn a new lesson
Nothing can be said much about this lesson learnt,
as the teenager wanted to forget as much of it as possible,
his emotional state was at its lowest for the year,
he was constantly under duress,
it was then that he turned to something he had left behind for so many years
The teenager made it a point to relearn everything about sembahyang that he had forgotten throughout the years,
before this, he had constantly ignored any point to solat or go for friday prayers,
but due to one unbearable day in class,
to the point where it could no longer be held anymore in his mind,
he started questioning himself,
and started questioning Allah
'Why did you make my life like this?
What did I do to deserve this?
What is the point of this suffering?'
but the teenager knew he had to do something to change it
So, he did.
For the next few weeks, he taught himself how to solat all over again,
he memorized all the prayers and niat,
even in school,
he started to take a bit of time to sit down after praying,
and pray to Allah,
to lessen his suffering,
make those who made his life hard to suffer,
wished for a good future,
and wished for the one thing he longed,
As if by some awesome force of power,
the pain that he was experiencing dampened a little after he started praying,
things went from worse to average,
the teenager was happy,
for the first time in 3 years,
he felt something
True happiness,
From that point on,
the teenager never failed to solat everyday,
even though he missed a few of the 5 times Muslims had to pray for a day,
he made sure he prayed everyday,
to instill that sense of a coming good
That coming good was answered eventually...
The teenager aced his N levels,
getting the highest out of all the normal academic classes,
he was proud,
he was happy,
and for the first time in years,
he felt true joy,
the teenager's enemies who constantly made his life hell,
had to be posted to some other school,
namely ITE,
he was happy,
that now, he would no longer be tormented,
and that his suffering would ease and ultimately end
Secondary 5 came,
things were pretty much changed,
new classmates,
new things to learn
but there was still something that he longed to feel...
That feeling came when an innocent observation of the canteen area while the teenager was eating during recess,
attracted a certain pair of eyes,
their eyes connected as if they were magnets,
the teenager made a quick smile,
the girl on the opposite table returned the smile back,
it was then that the teenager felt something
Few weeks past,
the eye contact continued,
but still no true contact,
A few days past,
after he waved at the girl when she got on the bus before him,
that the teenager received a strange text message,
the text turned out to be the girl that he was constantly having eye contact with,
which was pretty weird since it was supposed to be the other way round,
for guys to find numbers of the girl they liked or had a fancy to,
One day they met,
it was the best day of his life at that point,
the teenager was madly in love,
for the first time in his life,
he truly was.
After some point in time,
they were together,
the teenager was happy,
even though it went a bit rocky at first,
but his wish was fulfilled,
and he didn't care about it.
The teenager was a great lover,
a great listener
and also,
A great kisser (which apparently even surprised himself to some point)
Come 9 months,
O levels came,
the teenager's stress levels were rising,
his maths paper was tomorrow,
to release some stress for the morrow,
he went online for a little while,
and found something so not worth while
The teenager was single back again...
Despite that,
it didn't affect his paper that day,
because he knew he had nothing and nobody to think of for the day,
and he made a decision at that point of time,
he didn't want to love anymore.
Not yet anyway...
Come 2009,
the teenager turned into a man,
no longer a baby,
no longer little boy,
no longer a young teen,
and no longer a teenager,
but a man,
with a sensible mind and improved observation skills,
a concentrated mind,
mature and strong,
with some little extras he learnt by himself,
The man was now ready for one of the few final stepping stones of his life
Posted to Republic Polytechnic,
the man was pretty happy and excited about it,
he would be meeting new friends,
friends he hoped were trustworthy and better than the mess he had in the years before.
That hope was fulfilled
He had the best classmates and also the best friends he could ever ask for,
he loved being with them,
having fun,
goofing off,
working together
and sharing some misfortunes together,
the young adult had now found what he had been longing for so long,
True friends
But there was also something else he was longing,
the near extinguished flame in him wanted something,
something that would make his fire light up bright,
as hotter,
and as better than before,
Several months past,
the man had a few contacts that he was quite close to,
but none were too fitting,
until one day...
The man was with his guy classmates doing the usual goofing off during 2nd break in class,
he came across one of his gal classmates outside with a couple of girls with her,
one of the man's guy classmate tapped on the glass window pane,
hoping to catch their attention,
which he did,
which they turned,
finding no one there,
which they eventually did,
after the man and his classmate went to the glass window to wave at them
The man,
curious and playful at the time,
tapped the glass pane one more time,
and attracted the attention of a certain girl,
where he turned away after she turned to look,
he took a glance back,
smiled at her,
and walked off,
thinking his encounter with her would be short
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, was he so wrong...===============================
10:32 PM