Wednesday, September 30, 2009,
Feeling woozy after not sleeping the whole day yesterday for the BBQ
will update later or tomorrow
slept from 10am+ to 6pm+
so tireddddd
Au Revoir!
I miss someone now...
6:33 PM
Tuesday, September 29, 2009,
Class BBQ!
Today's the frickin' day!
Gotta head down to ECP by 6pm and rendezvous with the others to get this thing going
Bringing along the 8 man tent
not quite sure if we're gonna use it though but they insisted on me bringing it
so, what choice do I have anyway?
I think today's gonna be good day
Anyway, heard from a friend that school starts next week
Oh well, I guess it's better than staying home all day doing nothing
Everyday seems to be a bit boring without school and crazy classmates
Even if the next semester's gonna be a whole new class
which kinda sucks because it'll screw up the bonding I have with the others in my first class
which I enjoy them so much
Today's kinda the last day we're gonna spend time with each other as in a class (or most of it, the other half split off to make their own bbq, which is sad really)
Today's gonna be a great day! Just like Wardah said in her early morning message to me (I thank you for that! Will be giving your cadbury pretty soon! =D)
Will update tomorrow!
Au Revoir!
8:14 AM
Friday, September 25, 2009,
Cleaned the fans today. Due to my sensitivity to dust, used my towel to cover my mouth and nose since I couldn't find a handkerchief anywhere. Take a look at the pictures of this mundane day full of dust.

Used a brush to clear off the dust. Reminds me of painting but this time without the kanvas and with more dust. Irritating dust
How to setup your fan after cleaning (its easy even a brain dead monkey could do it. =D)

3:58 PM
Wednesday, September 23, 2009,

9:07 PM
Sunday, September 20, 2009,
NEW SONG! Glycerine by Bush
must be your skin that i'm sinking in
must be for real 'cos now i can feel
and i didn't mind
it's not my kind
it's not my time to wonder why
everything gone white
and everything's grey
now you're here now you're away
i don't want this
remember that
i'll never forget where you're at
don't let the days go by
i'm never alone
i'm alone all the time
are you at one
or do you lie
we live in a wheel
where everyone steals
but when we rise it's like strawberry fields
if i treated you bad
you bruise my face
couldn't love you more
you got a beautiful taste
don't let the days go by
could have been easier on you
i couldn't change though i wanted to
could have been easier by three
our old friend fear and you and me
don't let the days go by
i needed us more
when we wanted us less
i could not kiss just regress
it might just be
clear simple and plain
that's just fine
that's just one of my names
don't let the days go by
could've been easier on you
Dedicated to that special someone and hoping that someone realizes something that I've been waiting for so long
8:50 PM
Selamat Hari Raya Everybody!
12:24 AM
Friday, September 18, 2009,
Raya coming!
Nothing more to say but the title is sufficient enough i guess
12:53 AM
Tuesday, September 15, 2009,
How to kill
Be polite.
Be professional.
And always have a plan to kill everyone you meet
5:20 AM
Sunday, September 13, 2009,
Tiring, fun and...
Yesterday was both fun and tiring.
Went out with Kila to Geylang to find and buy her baju kurung. Went to Joo Chiat, walked round and round for about an hour or so and went out to the bazaar to find other alternatives.
Then Kila wanted to go back to Joo Chiat and so we did, with my legs almost dying from walking too much. We walked around for about 30 minutes or more until we went to this shop and found this baju kurung which seemed perfect for her but she was malu malu kucing till I had to ask the makcik if it had her size and the price and all (See how helpful I am? Hahaha. =P).
She tried out black and purple and decided on purple along with a couple of shoulder padding to make it more fitting. Overall she looked nice with purple and I couldn't agree more with the makcik when she said that. =)
Paid 129 bucks and finally got out to get something to eat after 2 hours of walking and discussing (I was more stress than her!). Kila wanted to eat fastfood for break fast and so we went to the nearest one which was near the big green building near the MRT station which I forgot the name and settled on KFC after seeing Mac was full. Break fast at on an exercise bench near some playground near some housing estate near the Mrt station (Yes, there was no other place so we had to make do. Hahah)
Ate, walked around some more (there's a surprisingly large number of cats in Geylang. Wooo!) and then we went home via Mrt to tamp interchange where I walked Kila to the bus stop and watched her go off and also thanking her for the whole day of fun and sweat and exercise, especially the exercise (I could run 2.4 now! Probably).
And that's all folks!
There's a couple plans for next week with breaking fast with Afeeq and the gang on Wednesday which is the 16th (can't wait for that)
and an unconfirmed dengdeng date with someone which I'm not hoping much that it would go off after some misunderstanding (-___-)
Anyway, that's all
that's all
3:45 PM
Friday, September 11, 2009,

New desktop!
10:40 PM
What can I say?
There's just nothing around that's interesting no more.
except for some other things...
3:21 PM
Wednesday, September 9, 2009,
A big
To those who were chatting with me and suddenly found me not replying at all
I accidentally nodded off after a few minutes of waiting for you to reply
I guess I was just too tired on that day
and oh
I forgot to say,
Je t'aime to the girl with her lost broken wings
1:16 AM
Monday, September 7, 2009,
P.S Blogger is fucking up again
11:24 PM
Saturday, September 5, 2009,
One thing we can relate to
Here's a picture I wanna show you that we can somehow relate to it in some odd way:
And Thanks to Athirah for this drawing of my name! =D
7:25 AM
Friday, September 4, 2009,
Some things are just not good
Being EMO ain't cool
and not healthy too
8:51 PM
Thursday, September 3, 2009,
What's there to talk about?
Today's pretty samey as all the other days, not sure why but I think I've gotta do something real soon. The boredom is killing me.
Anyway, I actually found a way to stop blogger from being the fuck up wonky the post creation page is. If you're using firefox, just go to tools, options, then click on content and click on advanced next to javascript, untick everything and click okay.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it'll work fine!
Other than that, I have a new friend!
Her name's Nura and there's nothing else to say about her other than that she really nice and pretty great to get along with. And oh, she's a 2nd year from RP which makes her the 3rd person I know who's from RP 2nd year students.
Another thing today, It's Sam's Birthday!
Hope you have a great birthday today, my cyclist/buddy/best friend/skater/craps partner.
One last thing before I end this post:
If you wanna start a conversation, please ensure that you can SUPPORT it all the way without awkward silences in between.
Don't be quiet all the way and expect the other person to type out something first before you start typing and repeating the whole goddamn process till the person is fed up and will just leave the conversation.
I mean, geez, if you wanna chat with someone don't be silent after a few sentences.
That's just so anti social and makes a bad impression on you whenever people wanna chat with you.
No wonder I keep silent when you start to keep silent.
If you wanna play the silent game, just tell me
I'd be happy to oblige since I'm verrryyyyyyyyy good at it
Listen to my songs!
especially the 2nd one
and the 4th one!
1:13 AM
Wednesday, September 2, 2009,
Sometimes when you least expect it, you'll realize that someone loved you, and that means someone can love you again! And that'll make you smile.
12:43 AM
Tuesday, September 1, 2009,
I didn't notice that...
You mean its already started?
Helloooooooo September!
4:01 PM